
Red Jasper Bracelet



Alleviate stress, Bringing physical strength and energy, Grounding with earth, Stamina, Focus and determination, Calms the emotional body, Improving health / overcoming illness, Setting goals and its completion, Cleansing and strengthening the aura, Creating passion, Manifesting new ideas and freshness, Restoring and rejuvenating the libido, Guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger, Shield against psychic attack, Assist women in overcoming a jealous love rival or unfair opposition to a relationship.

Keep in the vehicles to prevent accidents, theft or road rage.

Activates and balances the Base Chakra.


For the right results and optimum benefits; this product shall be specially “Energized and Blessed” by GK Aurum and can also be “Customised /Programmed” through Invocations / Mantras / Shalokas for your specific “need / purpose”; if any.

So, please do write your specific wish /need, if any, in the purchase form (at the check-out).

Availability: 7 in stock SKU: RSK018 Category:
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01 quantity of the product means one piece of Red Jasper Bracelet, 10 mm beads size.

The supplied product may differ in appearance from the product photograph shown in the website, as Crystals are natural products.