About GK Aurum

I believe we all are seekers, ‘seekers of joy’ and my spiritual work has led me to the path of joy.

The symbol of my website is named “Divinefountainhead”, representing that we all are like those golden drops of water flowing back into the fountain (i.e. source), we come from the one and go back to the one, till our job is done here & our lessons learnt.

We all are divine magic; just like the fountain represents the source of life, so is it of intuition. We receive our intuitive messages from the source and so we all are intuitive and in fact I must say; intuition is the first sense and not the sixth sense…!

While realising this magical journey, I studied the Art of Card Reading, Reiki, Crystals, Hypnotherapy, Meditations and Numerology which reiterated my belief that we all are energy, everything is energy and we can empower ourselves by manifesting our future.

You can shift your reality, shift your vibration and change your future, as future is malleable.

On my personal front….I am a post graduate and Honors in System Management, have travelled around many countries due to my husband’s job. Now, I have finally made my home in the foothills of Himalayas in Incredible India, in a city best known as “City Beautiful”, and enjoying life’s blessings with my husband and our two lovely daughters…

I love travelling in nature, and sharing my work and experiences with the people around the world towards contributing in uplifting the society.

– GK Aurum